Free Consultation at Summit Physical Therapy
If you are looking for answers to your questions, need some direction, or just want to see if our office is right for you, try a free consultation.
What is involved in a Free Consultation?
- Its Free without obligation.
- The healthcare environment is significantly specialized at the moment, and motivated by volume instead of quality. This is a chance to take 10-15 minutes in our office to see our facility, meet our staff, and discuss the nature of your condition.
- This is different than an Evaluation where a full history and measurements are taken, and treatment is provided, but may give you an idea of the direction you should take.
- All we need is your name, and a phone number and email to confirm your appointment.
Simply call (516) 867-0500 or fill out the form below to get started:
Don't forget to check out our physical therapy services and get to know our staff members in the meantime.